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Sasquatch Computer
Sasquatch Computer
P.O. Box 5157
Santa Cruz, CA, 95063
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CALL US ON 09 969 5765. Intelligent customer insights to transform your business. End-to-end customer experience management solution combining research, technology and consultancy. Enterprise customer experience solution to fit your needs. By having developed our own customer experience management software, we can customise our solution to suit your unique business needs. A holistic understanding of your customers. Innovative technology, research and consultancy. Changing companies for the better.
The right monitoring for you. No exceptions, pure data, online graphs. Email and SMS message notifications. Don t leave any space for problems, use it rather for your backups. SW licenses and HW inventory without surprises. CM automatically registers your computers, software, detailed HW configuration and serial numbers. Don t lose your control and get rid of possible risks. Overview in your systems and settings.
Ten pravý IT monitoring pre vás. Bez výnimiek, čisté dáta, online grafy, aj v reálnom čase. Notifikácie na email alebo sms. Nenechávajte problémom žiadny priestor, využite ho radšej na vaše zálohy. SW licencie a inventúra HW bez prekvapení. Customer Monitor automaticky eviduje vaše počítače, softvér, podrobnú HW konfiguráciu aj sériové čísla. Nestraťte nič z dohľadu a zbavte sa možných rizík. Prehľad vo vašich systémoch a nastaveniach. Autorita v riadení IT oddelenia.